Olli joins me a third time! Oliver continues to evolve his practice helping people navigate the psychedelic states of mind. He's once again gone smaller, now almost exclusively working 1 on 1 with people. We talk about this and much more, specifically Olli schools me on why crypto currencies could change the world by freeing us from the banks.
Find Oliver at: http://www.psilohuasca.com
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/change.truth
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/Change_Truth
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/ChangeTruth
Intro song: "Lovin' Your Neighbour" by Phat Bollard
Check Them out: https://www.phatbollard.co.uk
And buy their music! https://phatbollard.bandcamp.com
More at www.changetruth.com